Another great group of STAR Caregivers Kadijuh (Right Center), Deloris Byrd (Front Right), and Chitina Gray (Far Right) has just joined the Assisting Hands Home Care Richmond Team. They all just completed our Caregiver Orientation led by Karena Calhoun (Left). We are excited to have this dynamic group come on board. They are all ready to get off to a Great STARt!

*Our STAR (Setting Targets Achieving Results) program recognizes Caregivers for outstanding work and dedication. Cash Incentives and rewards can be earned through our Great STARt, Shining STAR and Super STAR programs. Come join the Assisting Hands Richmond Caregiver team and find out how you can achieve STAR status.
Cathy Hamlin (Back Right) just led a group of our STAR Caregivers in a Teepa Snow Positive Approach to Care (PAC) training session. They covered the various stages of dementia and practiced the “hand under hand” method in working with patients with dementia. The staff at Assisting Hands Richmond is dedicated to the latest training and methods to help to care for individuals in their homes.

Welcome to our latest STAR Caregivers Danieshe Robinson (Far Left), Ranielle Hoskie (Left Center), Diamond Toro (Right Center) and DeShanna Coleman (Far Right). They all just completed our Caregiver Orientation led by Karena Calhoun (Back Center). We are excited to have this dynamic group come on board with Assisting Hands Richmond. They are all ready to get off to a Great STARt!

International dementia conference held in Cary raised awareness, support for patients and caregivers. Dementia support therapist Teepa Snow led the international conference. Assisting Hands Richmond’s very own Cathy Hamlin was a proud participant at this outstanding conference. Cathy is a certified Positive Approach to Care coach,bringing Teepa Snow’s world class approach to Dementia caregiving to Richmond Virginia.