Assisting Hands Richmond Monthly News – August 2020

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Assisting Hands Richmond's July Super STARCongratulations to Shadet (right) Assisting Hands Home Care Richmond‘s July Super STAR! Shadet demonstrates Our Shared Values each and every shift. Aliyah (left), our rock STAR Client Care Coordinator, can always count on Shadet to help us with the difficult to fill shifts and provide exceptional care giving to all of her clients. SuperSTAR recognition is part of our STAR program! If you are interested in becoming a STAR Caregiver please call Assisting Hands Richmond today.

*Our STAR (Setting Targets Achieving Results) program recognizes Caregivers for outstanding work and dedication. Cash Incentives and rewards can be earned through our Great STARt, Shining STAR and Super STAR programs. Come join the Assisting Hands Richmond Caregiver team and find out how you can achieve STAR status.


Event Temperature ScreeningHistoric moment for Assisting Hands Home Care Richmond, we just completed our first wedding! We were asked by the mother of the bride to provide non-contact temperature screens along with a quick verbal / visual screen to look for obvious signs of COVID-19. We are happy to report that all of the guests were allowed into the ceremony and the bride and groom were happily married. Call us today, if you are interested in learning more about our event screening services.



My sister, who I love dearly, has had her life drastically changed due to early on-set dementia. I wished I had known the early warning signs and had taken more informed action to better help her manage this disease. Thankfully she is now getting the support she needs to live a healthy and happy life. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia and the Alzheimer’s Association is the organization leading the charge to end Alzheimer’s. They provide funding for education, caregiver support and research with the goal to end Alzheimer’s. Assisting Hands Richmond has formed a Walk to End Alzheimer’s Team and would love you to join us to meet our fund raising goal of $2,000. Thank you for your support.


Walk to End AlzheimersPlease support the Assisting Hands Home Care Richmond Team for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. You can support us by clicking on the link below and either 1) Join the Assisting Hands Richmond team and / or 2) Donate to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Together we can help find the first survivor of Alzheimer’s;jsessionid=00000000.app20041a?team_id=632842&fr_id=13704&pg=team&NONCE_TOKEN=9F225A391723E60815903A893CB6C0AD


Thank you to Kristin Cole from Harmony at Hanover for bringing the Assisting Hands Richmond office staff lunch! If you haven’t heard, Harmony at Hanover is building a brand new Independent Living Community in Mechanicsville that is going to be absolutely fabulous.

Kristin Cole


Thank you to Auburn Hill Senior Living for once again showing your H.E.A.R.T by filling a truck with food for the Chesterfield food bank. You certainly live you values every day, well done!

Auburn Hill Senior Living


Assisting Hands Richmond was honored to be invited to participate in Everleigh Short Pump’s Vendor Fair as part of their recognition of National Senior Citizens Day. I enjoyed meeting their future residents while practicing effective social distancing. One lucky resident won our gift basket that was full of items to help them when they move into their new home. It was great to be outside and part of such a happy event. Thank you Judy, Suzanne, Terri and Jamie, you all are awesome!

Assisting Hands Richmond


Congratulations to our awesome Client Care Coordinator Aliyah for receiving her First Aid, CPR and AED Instructor certification from the American Red Cross. This certification will allow us to provide expert in-house training to our Caregivers and staff.

Client Care Coordinator Aliyah


We signed the @AARP Employer Pledge to help ensure that we hire the most skilled and experienced workers, regardless of age.

AARP Employer Pledge



Read an overview of the protocols and procedures we have put in place to ensure the health and safety of both our Caregivers and clients, or if you would like to speak to us directly on how we might be able to help you or a loved one call us at (804) 500-9787

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