Every year, many seniors encounter dangerous situations in the one place they should feel safe. Accidents often occur at home, where a senior might be alone for long periods. Home caregivers provide the following types of personalized care that can help your aging loved one thrive in safe, comfortable surroundings.
1. Provide Support for Mobility Challenges
Slip-and-fall accidents are a family’s worst nightmare, and the risk of sustaining a major head injury or broken hip is real. As your loved one loses mobility, he or she may need a caregiver to help him or her get out of bed or step into a slippery shower. Seniors with severe mobility challenges also stay safer when they know they can ask for help rather than trying to do something dangerous themselves.
If you’re worried about your loved one’s safety while he or she ages in place, consider hiring a professional caregiver. When searching for reliable home care service agencies, families want to know their senior loved ones will be well taken care of. At Assisting Hands Home Care, our expertly trained caregivers are available around the clock to assist with tasks around the house, provide transportation to medical appointments and social events, and much more.
2. Keep an Eye Out for Elder Abuse
Some threats to a senior’s safety come from other people. Criminals often look for seniors who might seem like easy targets because they live alone. A caregiver can keep watch for signs someone is financially, physically, or emotionally abusing your loved one. The caregiver can stay on top of the latest scams and alert you or other family members if your loved one is at risk for falling for one.
3. Oversee Potentially Risky Daily Activities
Many seniors take pride in being able to continue to prepare their own meals. However, an older adult can easily forget to turn off a stove and start a house fire. Caregivers offer seniors just the right amount of support they need. A home caregiver can cook alongside your loved one and double-check that hot appliances are turned off.
Many seniors require assistance to stay safe while aging in place. Seniors can face a variety of challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of professional home caregivers who provide high-quality in-home care. Richmond families trust Assisting Hands Home Care to help their elderly loved ones age in place safely and comfortably.
4. Prevent Medication Mishaps
The medications seniors take are supposed to help them maintain their health. However, medication mishaps are a leading cause of senior hospitalizations. Medication reminders are a service caregivers provide that includes monitoring to ensure seniors take the right medications at the appropriate times.
5. Offer Assistance with Transportation
Driving is another hardship for seniors. Some seniors drive with visual impairments. Others may opt to skip doctor appointments and grocery shopping when they feel their driving skills begin to lapse. Your loved one’s caregiver will happily provide safe transportation to anywhere your parent needs to go.
6. Observe for New Health Changes
Some senior health concerns occur gradually, which means your loved one might not notice them at first. Or your loved one may be recovering from an illness and you need to know if his or her health takes a drastic turn. Home care includes watching out for common signs of age-related cognitive decline or worsening health. If a caregiver notices something new, he or she will communicate about it to the family or the senior’s health care team.
7. Support Seniors’ Mental Health Needs
Mental health sometimes gets overlooked when it comes to senior safety. However, depression and other mental health conditions can pose risks for seniors, who may turn to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to handle their issues. Some seniors might also have thoughts of self-harm. Home caregivers love helping seniors feel a greater sense of happiness, and they frequently plan activities that allow seniors to socialize and feel like valuable members of their families and communities.
Senior safety isn’t the only reason to consider professional in-home care. Family caregivers need to care for their own wellbeing. If you’re caring for an aging loved one and are feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional caregiver to provide respite care. Richmond families who want to prevent burnout can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care. One of our professional caregivers can assist your loved one at home while you take a nap, go to work, run errands, or go on vacation. Whether your parent needs hourly or live-in care, give us a call at (804) 500-9787 today.