At Assisting Hands Home Care, our focus is to ensure all of our clients have the highest quality, personalized care and are able to achieve the goal to live their retirement years where they want to, or the ability to Age in Place. Our goal is that each of our clients continue Thriving at Home while maintaining independence and happiness where they call home.
A critical element of Thriving at Home is to prevent hospital stays – as trips to the hospital and/or rehab can be emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting. In addition, statistics show that 1 in 5 Medicare patients return to the hospital within just 30 days. This means that avoiding a un-needed trip to the hospital could likely have longer term benefits on your health.
The support from Assisting Hands helps prevent unneeded trips to the hospital by:
- Providing smooth transitions home from hospitals or rehabilitation facilities after surgeries
- Ensuring clear, prompt communication to families and other health care providers – through real-time access to our care notes, and our Care Advocate updates
- Helping families care for their loved ones while minding all of the details on causes for admissions to hospitals, and having caregivers specifically matched to our clients particular needs.
In addition to our monthly in-service training, we provide our elite caregivers with advanced training. Which means they are able to identify and escalate concerns related to the top causes for trips to the hospital.
NOTE: Hospitals can provide the best care available and should not be avoided when needed – our approach is to help provide families the best support at home while monitoring for signs/symptoms that need to be escalated.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one get the support needed to remain healthy and happy at home! In MD call: (301)-960-7892. In VA call: (703)-556-8983.

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